
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, December 7, commemorates the attack on Pearl Harbor. Many American service men and women lost their lives or were injured on December 7, 1941.
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the American Army and Navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The attack came as a surprise to the American Army and Navy and lead to great losses of life and equipment. More than 2000 American citizens were killed and more than 1000 were injured. More than 60 Japanese servicemen were killed, injured or captured. The Japanese military had hoped that the attack on Pearl Harbor would prevent the United States of America from increasing her influence in the Pacific. However, the events in Pearl Harbor actually led to the escalation of World War II. The day after the attack, the United States declared war on Japan and so entered World War II. 
Each year, on the direction of the President, the flag of the United States of America should be displayed on the homes of Americans, the White House and all United States government buildings. The flag should be flown at half-mast to honor those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Information and images retrieved from: https://www.timeanddate. com/holidays/us/pearl-harbor-remembrance-day on November 30th 2016

 was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago Illinois, to his father Elias Disney, and mother Flora Call Disney. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl. After Walt's birth, the Disney family moved to Marceline Missouri. Walt had very early interests in art, he would often sell drawings to neighbors to make extra money. He pursued his art career, by studying art and photography at McKinley High School in Chicago.
During the fall of 1918, Disney joined the Red Cross and was sent to France, where he spent a year driving an ambulance and chauffeuring Red Cross officials. His ambulance was covered from stem to stern, not with stock camouflage, but with Disney cartoons. Once Walt returned from France, he began to pursue a career in commercial art. He started a small company called Laugh-O-Grams, which eventually fell bankrupt. With his suitcase, and twenty dollars, Walt headed to Hollywood to start anew.
After making a success of his "Alice Comedies," Walt became a recognized Hollywood figure. On July 13, 1925, Walt married Lillian Bounds. Later on they would be blessed with two daughters, Diane and Sharon. In 1932, Flowers and Trees (the first color cartoon) won Walt the first of his studio's Academy Awards. On December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated musical feature, premiered at the Carthay Theater in Los Angeles. The film is still considered one of the great feats and imperishable monuments of the motion picture industry. During the next five years, Walt Disney Studios completed other full-length animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi.
Walt Disney's dream of a clean, and organized amusement park, came true, as Disneyland Park opened in 1955. Walt Disney is a legend; a folk hero of the 20th century. His worldwide popularity was based upon the ideals which his name represents: imagination, optimism, creation, and self-made success in the American tradition.

Information retrieved from: on November 30th 2016
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International Day of People with Disability is a United Nations (UN) sanctioned day – Thursday, 3rd December - that aims to promote an understanding of people with disability and encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being.

People living with disabilities worldwide face many barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society.  As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, and education as well as social and political participation.

The right to participate in public life is essential to create stable democracies, active citizenship and reduce inequalities in society.  Persons with disabilities must be able to fulfill their role in society and participate on an equal basis with others.. 

It is important to focus on the ability and not on the disability of an individual. It is also important to note that disability is part of the human condition, and that all of us either are or will become disabled to one degree or another during the course of our lives..

Information retrieved from: Pages/Thursday-is-International-Day-of-People-with-Disability.aspx 
on November 30th 2016
Image retrieved from: archive.html

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988.
More than 33.3 million people are currently living with HIV in the world. More than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007 have died from the virus, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.
Today, many scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there are laws to protect people living with HIV and we understand so much more about the condition. But despite this, people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others from HIV, and stigma and discrimination remain a reality for many people living with HIV. World AIDS Day is important as it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.

World AIDS Day is an opportunity for you to learn the facts about HIV and put your knowledge into action. If you understand how HIV is transmitted, how it can be prevented, and the reality of living with HIV today - you can use this knowledge to take care of your own health and the health of others, and ensure you treat everyone living with HIV fairly, and with respect and understanding.  You can also show your support for people living with HIV on World AIDS Day by wearing a red ribbon, the international symbol of HIV awareness.

Information retrieved from: on November 2015
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Born in Florida, Missouri in 1835, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known as MARK TWAIN, would start a life that would be filled with great satire short stories. When he was a boy, His life was filled with adventure and curiosity. He would wander through the woods and write down what he saw. After a while he started to work for his brother as a writer for one of his papers, Orion Clemens. He would then submit his first known writing to a Boston magazine. The piece was called Carpet-Bag.
Twain would then start to travel up down the Mississippi river, stopping here and there to submit writings to local newspapers while he is on his travels. Twain enjoyed this so much that he got his own pilot’s license. His adventures would come to an end when the Civil War was happening. Twain then decided to join the Confederate Army for a brief stint. Years later, he would travel along the western part of the country for a few years contributing stories such as The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. After that, he would get on a boat that would take him to Europe and the middle east. During this travel he would compile and complete his book The Innocents Abroad.

Over the next years he would publish stories such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He died in 1910 at the age of 75. Still today people can’t get enough of his writing. Twain is truly one of the great faces of American literature. 

Some quotes: 
"When all else fails, write what your heart tells you. You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus"

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"

Information retrieved from: on November 3rd, 2016
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These activities are going to be used on November 21st and 22nd. 

 First and second level preschool (Primero y segundo nivel preescolar)

Third level preschool (Tercer nivel preescolar)

First, second and third grade (Primero, segundo y tercer grado)

Fourth and fifth grade (Cuarto y quinto grado)

Sixth grade (Sexto grado)

Activities retrieved from:, on November 3rd, 2016
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Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.
Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the Christmas shopping season. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends.


Information retrieved from:, on November 2nd 2016
Image retrieved from:, on November 2nd 2016

These activities are going to be used on November 14th and 15th. 

Preschool all levels (Todos los niveles)

First and second grade (Primero y segundo grado)

Third grade (Tercer grado)

Fourth and fifth grade (Cuarto y quinto grado)

Sixth grade (Sexto grado)

Activities retrieved from:
on November 2nd, 2016

Remembrance Day takes place on the Sunday nearest the 11th November. This is to commemorate the First World War which ended at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month 1918 (11 o'clock on the 11th November 1918).
The First World War marked the beginning of the use of modern technology in warfare and led to millions of deaths. They felt the dead should be honored and King George V initiated a 2 minute silence at exactly 11 o'clock to commemorate those who had died for their country.

Nowadays this day is marked with a number of services and parades. The Queen, government representatives and soldiers march to the Cenotaph in London and lay wreaths. A two minute silence is held to remember all those who have died for their country in the First World War and all wars since. 

Information retrieved from:, on November 1st 2016
Image retrieved from:, on November 1st 2016

In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, the world rejoiced and celebrated. After four years of bitter war, an armistice was signed. The "war to end all wars" was over.
November 11, 1919 was set aside as Armistice Day in the United States, to remember the sacrifices that men and women made during World War I in order to ensure a lasting peace. On Armistice Day, soldiers who survived the war marched in a parade through their home towns. Politicians and veteran officers gave speeches and held ceremonies of thanks for the peace they had won.

We celebrate Veteran's Day or Remembrance Day because veterans put their lives in danger to guarantee our freedom and to service our country, so we thank and support them.

Information retrieved from:, on November 1st 2016
Image retrieved from:, on November 1st 2016

In the United States is the day set by law for the general elections of public officials. It occurs on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The next election will be held on November 8, 2016.
For federal offices (President, Vice President, and United States Congress), Election Day occurs only in even-numbered years. Presidential elections are held every four years, electors for President and Vice President are chosen according to the method determined by each state and the United States Senate is held every two years. Election Day is a civic holiday in some states. 

Information retrieved from: on November 1st 2016
Image retrieved from: on November 1st 2016 

These activities are going to be used on November 7th and 8th (Estas actividades se usarán el 7 y 8 de noviembre)

Preschool 1st and 2nd level (Primero y segundo nivel)

Preschool 3rd level (Tercer nivel)

First and second grade (Primero y segundo grado)

Third and fourth grade (Tercero y cuarto grado)

Fifth and sixth grade (Quinto y sexto grado)

Activities retrieved from: and, on November 1st 2016

Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night) is the name of an annual celebration characterized by bonfires and fireworks in the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries. For 400 years, bonfires have burned on November 5th.
Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes’ actions on November 5th. Nowadays, the celebration is just a night of revelry with a bonfire and fireworks. However, celebrations include making a dummy of Guy Fawkes, called “the Guy”; some children keep up an old tradition of walking in the streets, carrying “the Guy” and beg passersby for “a penny for the Guy”; then they use the money to buy fireworks for the evening festivities.
There are many food items that people eat this day: Toffee apples, treacle toffee, black peas and jacket potatoes. 

Image retrieved from: on October 31st, 2016

All Saints' Day is the day after All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en). It is a feast day celebrated on 1st November by Anglicans and Roman Catholics.

It is an opportunity for believers to remember all saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history.

Information retrieved from:, on October 30th 2016
Image retrieved from:, on October 30th 2016

Wilde was an Anglo-Irish novelist, playwright, poet and critic, and a celebrity in late 19th century London.

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854. His father was a successful surgeon and his mother a writer and literary hostess. Wilde was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. After he graduated, he moved to London to pursue a literary career.
A first volume of his poetry was published in 1881 but as well as composing verse, he wrote fairy stories and published a novel 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' (1891). His greatest talent was for writing plays, and he produced a string of extremely popular comedies including 'Lady Windermere's Fan' (1892), 'An Ideal Husband (1895)' and 'The Importance of Being Earnest' (1895).

He married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and they had two sons. He spent the rest of his life in Europe, publishing 'The Ballad of Reading Gaol' in 1898. He died in Paris on 30 November 1900.
Some quotes:
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" Oscar Wilde
"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead" Oscar Wilde

Information retrieved from: on October 23rd, 2016
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Learning about culture is a very important part of learning new languages. This part is dedicated to landmarks in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Universidad Central de Venezuela (as CEAPUCV is part of the UCV). At the end of every month, we are going to post about different landmarks and you are going to have a special activity based on these landmarks. 

Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock of the Palace of Westminster in London, and often used to refer to the clock and the clock tower. The tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower, renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II in 2012. The tower has the second largest four-faced chiming clock in the world. It was completed in 1859. The tower has become a symbol of the United Kingdom and is often used as films set in London.

Information retrieved from: on October 8, 2016

The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania. The London firm Lester and Pack order the bell in 1752, and it had this message:  "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." It originally cracked when first rung in Philadelphia. In its early years, the Liberty Bell was used to call lawmakers to legislative sessions and to alert citizens to public meetings and proclamations.

Information retrieved from: on October 8, 2016
Image retrieved from: on October 8th, 2016 

UCV’s clock tower is a monument located in Plaza del Rectorado at Universidad Central de Venezuela. It was built in 1953, and designed by the architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva. The structure has its original electrical and sound system since the 50’s. Its three bases symbolize art, architecture and academy. As a part of the UCV, it is part  of UNESCO World Heritage since year 2000. It is a symbol of this university.

Information retrieved from:, and translated by Ayleen Trujillo Ruiz on October 8, 2016
Image retrieved from: on October 8th, 2016 

These are the lists of words that students from Elementary School will be working on during the whole year. There is going to be a Spelling Contest at the end of the year. Study hard! 

First grade (primer grado)

Second grade (segundo grado)
Third grade (tercer grado)

Fourth grade (cuarto grado)

Fifth grade (quinto grado)

Sixth grade (sexto grado)

This material is for students from third level preschool. You should study this material in order to be ready for the contest to be held at the end of the school year.